How many Raags in Indian classical music भारतीय संगीत मे कुल कितने राग हैं
How many Raags in Indian Classical music
Actually when we start to learn singing, we learn basic paltas alankars then the time comes to learn Ragas. So at that time a question comes in our mind that how many ragas are there in Indian classical music and who made these raags.
The fact is
The fact is that how many ragas nobody knows, some says that there are thousands number of ragas and some says two thousands but the fact is there are no any fix number of ragas.Who made these ragas that is also nobody knows. Some raags are made by Tansen like; Miya ki todi, miya ki malhar etc. Raag Bilashkhani todi has made by his son Bilash khan. Raag Nat Narayan has made by Pandit Jasraj who is the founder of Mewati gharana.
Nobody knows the name of creator
So some ragas is known that who made this but there are countless raags that nobody knows the name of creator. There are so many ancient ragas which were sang by all the famous singers but it is unknown who made it. it’s also heard that Raag Bhairav is a very ancient raag. God Shiva is also related to this raag. Some people says Raag Ahir bhairav is related to lord Krishna, ahir means people who look after cows and sing raag Bhairav in their own style with some changing of notes. The song ‘Albela sajan ghar aayo’ is based on Raag ahir bhairav. The song ‘Jago mohan pyare’ is very famous song which is based on Raag Bhairav. Song ‘Chandan sa badan chanchal chitwan’ based on raag Yaman. There are so many songs like; Ranjish hi sahi (ghazal), Aaj jane ki jid na karo etc are based raag Yaman. Raag Yaman is basic raag that we learn first after completing the basic paltas or alankars.
Some famous ragas
There are some famous ragas that we should know about are as follow…
Yaman (also called Kalyan), Bhairav, Khamaj, Bihag, Bilawal, Bhairavi, Alhaiya bilawal, Desh, Bageshri, Puriyadhanashri, Puriya, Malkosh (also called malkauns), Todi (also called Miya ki todi), Bilashkhani todi, Ahir bhairav, Madhubanti, Bhimpalashri or bhimpalashi, Kafi, Durga, Nat bhairav, Bairagi, Nat Bhairav, Bhoopali, Asawari, Tilang, Suddh sarang, Brindavani sarang, Megh, Megh malhar, Malhar (also called Miya malhar), Bhatiyar, Rageshri, Malgunji, Pahadi, Desi, Basant, Chhayanat, Darbari kanhara, Adana, Lalit, Gaud malhar, Hindol, Ramkali, Puriya kalyan, Shri, Gaud sarang, Suddh kalyan, Jaunpuri, Devgiri, Yamani, Anand bhairav, Maru bihag, Dev gandhar, Gandhari, Gujri todi, Puriya kalyan, Chandrakauns, Nand, Maluha kedar, Kedar, Suha, Khambawati, Sur malhar, Miya ki sarang, Kausi kanhara, Gorakh kalyan, Jaldhar kedar, Shyam kalyan, Ramdasi malhar, Narayani, Jaitashri, Gopika, Aabhogi kanhara, Bihangada, Shukla bilawal, Gara, Shivmat, Hansadhwani, Gunkali, Marwa, Purwi, Basant bahar, Deepak, Kafi kanhara, Jayant malhar, Chandini kedar, Triveni, Durga kalyan, Gauri, Lalita gauri, Pat bihag, Nilambari, Hemkalyan, Nat malhar, Khat, Jogiya, Jog etc.
कुछ प्रमुख रागों के नाम
यह कुछ प्रमुख रागों के नाम हैं…
यमन (कल्याण), भैरव, खमाज, बिहाग, बिलवाल, भैरवी, अलहैया बिलावल, देश, बागेश्री, पूरियाधनश्री, पूरिया, मालकोष (मालकौन्स), तोड़ी (मिया की तोड़ी), बिलाशखानी तोड़ी, अहिर भैरव, मधुबंती, भीमपलश्री (भीम्पलाशी), काफ़ी, दुर्गा, नट भैरव, बैरागी, नट भैरव, भूपाली, अासावरी, तिलंग, सूद्ध सारंग, बृंदावणी सारंग, मेघ,
मेघ मल्हार, मल्हार (मिया मल्हार), भाटियार, रागेश्री, मालगूँजी, पहाड़ी, देसी, बसंत, दरबारी कान्हरा, अड़ाना, ललित, गौड़ मल्हार, हिंदोल, रामकली, पूरिया कल्याण, श्री, गौड़ सारंग, शुद्ध कल्याण, जौनपुरी, देवगीरि, यमानी, आनंद भैरव, मारू बिहाग, देव गंधार, गंधारी, गुज़री तोड़ी, पूरिया कल्याण, चंद्रकौंस, नंद, मालूहा केदार, केदार, सुहा, खंबावती, सुर मल्हार, मिया की सारंग, कौसी कान्हरा, गोरख कल्याण, जलधर केदार, श्याम कल्याण, रामदसी मल्हार, नारायानी, गोपिका, आभोगी कान्हरा, बिहंगड़ा, शुक्ल बिलवाल, गर्अ, शिवमात, हंसाध्वनी, गुणकली, मरवा, पूर्वी, बसंत बाहर, दीपक, काफ़ी कान्हरा, जयंत मल्हार, चांडिनी केदार, त्रिवेणी, दुर्गा कल्याण, गौरी, ललिता गौरी, पाट बिहाग, निलाम्बारी, हेमकल्याण, नट मल्हार, खत, जोगिया, जोग इत्यादि
One interesting thing
One interesting thing is no one can complete a single raag in one life, this is very attractive point that what is raag and how to complete this but who is learning from some they can easily give you the answer of this question that raag expansion is endless so we can learn some ragas but can’t complete this…
अगर मैं ईमानदारी के साथ कहूँ तो रागों की संख्या अनगिनत हैं, और सबसे बरी बात ये है की किसी एक राग को आप अपने जेवन मे समाप्त नही कर सकते सिख के ! कोई कहता है हज़ार राग हैं कोई कहता है २ हज़ार हैं, दोनो ही सही कहते होंगे क्योंकि रागों की संख्या अनगिनत हैं और इन्हें कौन बनाया किसी को मालूम नहीं!
कुछ राग हैं
कुछ राग हैं जैसे ‘तोड़ी, मल्हार’ इत्यादि को तानसेन ने बनाया है ! ऐसा सुनने मे आता है है की ‘राग भैरव’ बहुत प्राचीन राग है और ये भगवान शंकर से जुड़ा राग है, राग ‘अहिर भैरव’ भगवान कृष्ण के समय का राग है! राग ‘नट नारायण’ को पंडित जसराज जी ने बनाया है, कुछ रागों के बारे मे पता है की किसने बनाया है पर बहुत से ऐसे राग हैं जिनके बारे मे पता ही नही की किसने बनाया है।
How many Raags in Indian classical music